Social Security Hub
This page provides links to articles and information to gain tips and insights on Social Security benefits. Use this information to learn more about Social Security filing strategies and how you can help your clients maximize their total retirement income.
Social Security Hub
If you have clients that are thinking about filing for Social Security, then they likely have many questions about how it works. These resources provide valuable insights and practical guidance to help you assist your clients in maximizing their Social Security benefits and achieving longterm financial security.
For Producer Use Only

Bang the Gong About Social Security
Financial advisors should proactively discuss Social Security with clients, addressing concerns about its future and utilizing planning tools to optimize retirement income strategies.

Clients Need Help Finding the Right Time to File for Social Security Benefits
Clients may need help determining the optimal time to file for Social Security benefits, considering factors such as life expectancy, financial needs, and spousal benefits.

Five Tips for Talking About Social Security with Clients
Learn five valuable tips when discussing Social Security with clients, including the importance of goal setting, education, and how technology can help analyze different claiming strategies.

Why We Need to Have More Conversations
About Social Security
Explore how Social Security benefits can play a crucial role in financial security during retirement and how advisors can help engage their clients in discussions about optimizing their Social Security filing strategy.

Two Common Mistakes People Make When
Filing for Social Security
Read two common mistakes people make when filing for Social Security benefits, including the risk of filing too early and not taking spousal benefits.

Don't Rush to the Exit: Social Security Filing Advice
Learn more about why clients should not rush into filing for Social Security benefits without careful consideration.

A Social Security Secret: Divorced Spousal Benefits
Explore a lesser-known aspect of Social Security benefits called divorced spousal benefits, where clients can potentially claim Social Security benefits based on their ex-spouse’s work record.

Integration of Annuities and Social Security Planning with Jan Buchsbaum and Mark Fitzgerald
In this episode, Jack Sharry talks with Jan Buchsbaum, Chief Product Officer, and Mark Fitzgerald, National Sales Manager at Nassau Financial Group. Jan and Mark have broad financial services expertise in the retirement, life, and annuity industry, including strategy, product development, marketing, and distribution.

Making Social Security Conversations Easier
Most retirement plans start with Social Security. However, very few people actually understand how their payment is determined or what their check could be. On the That Annuity Show podcast, Jeff Quigley, VP at LifeYield, discusses his mission to change how people approach and understand Social Security—and how is company is actually doing it.

Advancing Digital Capabilities and Retiretech
On the Re/Imagine podcast, Jack Sharry, EVP and Chief Growth Officer of LifeYield, dives into the future of retirement planning and discusses how, together with Nassau, we plan to shape the future of retirement planning by focusing on three key areas: Education, Retiretech Technology, and Annuities.
Important Disclosures
For producer use only. Not for use as sales material with the general public.
This page includes links to third-party websites or resources for informational purposes only. Nassau exercises no control over such sites or resources and has not verified their accuracy. Nassau does not sponsor or endorse any of the third-party companies, individuals, products or services featured on such sites or resources. Any statements or opinions expressed within these sites or resources are of the individual or organization who makes them, not Nassau. Nassau does not provide financial, investment or tax advice or act as a fiduciary in the sale or service of its products.
Nassau is NOT connected with, recommended, or endorsed by any governmental program, agency, or entity, including the Social Security Administration.
Product features, rider options, and availability may vary by state. Product sales must be appropriate based on a comprehensive evaluation of the customer's financial situation, needs, and objectives. Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing Company.
In most states, annuities are issued by Nassau Life and Annuity Company (Hartford, CT). In California, Nassau Life and Annuity Company does business as "Nassau Life and Annuity Insurance Company." Nassau Life and Annuity Company is not authorized to conduct business in ME and NY, but that is subject to change. In New York, annuities are issued by Nassau Life Insurance Company (East Greenbush, NY). Nassau Life and Annuity Company and Nassau Life Insurance Company are subsidiaries of Nassau Financial Group. The insurers are separate entities and each is responsible only for its own financial condition and contractual obligations.
Insurance Products: NOT FDIC or NCUAA Insured | NO Bank or Credit Union Guarantee