Personal Income Annuity Video Course

Learn how Nassau's Personal Income Annuity product features work to offer protection from market loss and lifetime income via a choice of two guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit riders. Or enroll in the interactive online course with virtual quizzes on our consumer-friendly education center.


What is Nassau Personal Income Annuity?

Personal Income Annuity is designed to help address three of your client's retirement income needs: protection, flexibility, and growth. Your client can secure income for life via a choice of two guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit riders, flexibly meet their individual time horizon and needs, as well as potentially accumulate the contract value while protecting against market downturns.


How does the guaranteed lifetime income benefit provide protection and security?

Personal Income Annuity offers a choice of two income riders. They are called the "Income Strategy: Today" and "Income Strategy: Tomorrow" riders. This video details an overview of their design.


What is the annual benefit amount and does it impact your guaranteed income?

Learn more about the "Annual Benefit Amount," the guaranteed income payments provided by the income benefit rider.


How Does the Income Benefit Base Grow with "Income Strategy: Today"?

Learn how the income benefit base is determined and grows as part of "Income Strategy: Today".


How Does the Income Benefit Base Grow with "Income Strategy: Tomorrow"?

Learn how the income benefit base is determined and grows as part of "Income Strategy: Tomorrow".


How do withdrawals from your annuity impact the benefit base?

Withdrawals that are not income benefit payments can reduce the income benefit. Understand the impacts of decreases of the income benefit base on future roll-ups and future income benefit payments.


What Happens to the income benefit at other significant events?

In this video we detail the impacts of significant life events on the income benefit for both the "Single Life Option" as well as the "Joint Life Option".


What is the annual fee for these income riders?

The "Income Strategy: Today" and "Income Strategy: Tomorrow" riders are available for an annual fee. Better understand how this fee impacts the product and your clients.