Building a bold new brand
We founded Nassau in 2015 to build a franchise that would meet the changing needs of both producers and consumers. Use these resource to build marketing messages that reflect our current logos, trademarks, and brand standards.

Nassau Logos
The use of Nassau’s logo, name, or products (including on websites, marketing, advertising and training materials) must be approved by Nassau’s Marketing and Compliance Departments before use. For pre-approved marketing materials, see Marketing Support.
Color Palette
RGB: 0 / 168 / 181
CMYK: 96 / 69 / 11 / 1
HEX: #005B9C
RGB: 0 / 168 / 181
CMYK: 77 / 12 / 29 / 0
HEX: #00A8B5
RGB: 243 / 199 / 28
CMYK: 5 / 20 / 90 / 0
HEX: #F3C71C
RGB: 230 / 230 / 230
CMYK: 0 / 0 / 0 /10
HEX: #E6E7E8
RGB: 199 / 200 / 202
CMYK: 22 / 16 / 16 /0
RGB: 45 / 48 / 60
CMYK: 78 / 71 / 53 / 53
HEX: #2D303C
RGB: 0 / 72 / 118
CMYK: 100 / 75 / 31 / 14
HEX: #183F5F
RGB: 231 / 79 / 61
CMYK: 4 / 84 / 82 / 0
HEX: #EE563B
RGB: 168 / 76 / 118
CMYK: 34 / 83 / 32 / 4
HEX: #A84C76
RGB: 155 / 141 / 152
CMYK: 42 / 43 / 31 / 1
HEX: #9B8D98
RGB: 121 / 185 / 182
CMYK: 53 / 10 / 30 / 0
HEX: #79B9B6
RGB: 212 / 165 / 116
CMYK: 17 / 36 / 60 / 0
HEX: #D4A574
RGB: 246 / 134 / 33
CMYK: 0 / 58 / 99 / 0
HEX: #F68621
RGB: 204 / 105 / 41
CMYK: 16 / 69 / 100 / 3
HEX: #CC692A